Community Living Australia — Delivering Flexible Personalised Services

Stories from the South East

Warren attends Kingston Men’s Shed weekly to participate in woodworking.

He enjoys socialising with the other men, using different tools and engaging in community projects. 

Recently, Warren had an opportunity to make a chopping board for himself and his housemates to share at his accommodation home.

As you can see in the picture, he’s quite the craftsperson.

Woodworking sessions allow Warren to engage with, and give back to, his local community, develop a useful skill and craft useful things. 

Our team is proud to support him in these endeavours, ferrying him to and from the venue and providing support where needed.

Talking about personal improvement: our team have been supporting Lucy to cook independently. 

Over time, Lucy has been having the team help her cook, slowly reducing support as she builds confidence. 

Now Lucy is cooking stir-fry independently and look how delicious it looks!

This is a key step in increasing Lucy’s ability to live as independently as possible.