Community Living Australia — Delivering Flexible Personalised Services

A Message from the Chief Executive (Q1 2019)

Mark's introduction to the 1st quarter 2019 newsletter

Hi everyone and welcome to 2019!   

I hope you’ve had a fantastic Christmas and New Year’s break with your family and friends and that you are ready for what will be another exciting year.  

This year we will continue to focus on ensuring our clients and families are able to make the most of the National Disability Insurance Sceme (NDIS), helping them to make sure their plans enable them to achieve their goals and realise their dreams.  

We are equally committed to supporting anyone who is undertaking a review of their NDIS Plan or is looking to join the NDIS. I acknowledge this has been a challenging process for many people in our community and we will remain steadfast in our commitment to making sure our clients and families are adequately supported every step of the way.  

Like last year, 2019 will continue to be as busy and exciting, with lots of key projects, developments and activities planned to ensure we continue to improve and operate effectively in the NDIS environment.  

The stories in this newsletter demonstrate how busy we have been and show the commitment our employees have in supporting our clients to achieve their goals and better access the community. 

Our organisation would not be the success it is without the exceptional commitment and dedication of our staff. I sincerely thank them for their work and wish them well in their roles for the new year. 

I would also like to sincerely thank all our clients and families for the trust they continue to place in us to provide their services and supports. 

I look forward to what Community Living Australia will achieve in 2019, as we work together committed to providing the best services to our clients.   

I wish you all the very best for the coming year and sincerely thank you for your ongoing support. I know we will all achieve great things together in 2019.  

All the best,  
