Community Living Australia is committed to achieving gender equality while ensuring our clients are empowered to maintain their choice and control over the supports they engage in to live the life they want to live.
Our workforce is typically comprised of 450 employees with an approximate female gender composition of 75% which is stable across all pay brackets and aligns with the gender composition of organisations in the Social Assistance Services industry that are a similar size. Much of our gender composition is driven by client choice of the people who support them as over 80% of the workforce are Support Workers. In addition to this, the Disability sector is generally a highly casualised industry (making up approximately 33% of our workforce), with high levels of secondary employment and a shortage of labour. As an employer, we pay 98% of the workforce as per the SCHADS Industry Award while the remainder of the workforce are paid in line with the market rate relevant to their role.
In 2023-24, Community Living Australia recorded a median gender pay gap of -0.7% for base salary and -0.4% for total remuneration, compared to the industry median of 0.1% and 0.6% respectively. Moreover, the organisation reported an average gender pay gap of -0.1% for base salary and 1.7% for total remuneration, compared to the industry average of 2.2% and 2.8% respectively. The average figures allow for skew by high and low salaries, while the median shows a true middle figure.
As a result, the organisation reported no meaningful difference overall in the way that males and females were paid, consistent with the previous reporting period despite the CE remuneration now being included in the calculations this year.
WGEA Annual Reporting
In accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act), on 7 May 2024, Community Living Australia lodged its annual public report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. The Act provides for employee organisations with members in this workplace to comment on the report. If you would like a copy or want to comment on the report, please email
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